​​​​Witchcraft, Shamanism & Magick IV:

Ceremonial Witchcraft & Magick / High Magick - Starts every October 1! 

Five Year Mystery School with One-Year Online Apprenticeships in Witchcraft Shamanism & Magick (WSM I-V) by Kassia S. Morgan, Spirit's Edge Mystery School Teacher, Founder & High Priestess. This is an online class with monthly lesson video, a lesson handout & syllabus and feedback and mentoring from the teacher each month on the assignments, plus a private Facebook class page for class discussions and mentoring.

Application period opens April 1 for the current year! Please email HPS Kassia at alight46927@mypacks.net for an application. Application deadline is Sept. 1 for the current year. After Sept. 1, you will be placed on a waiting list for the next year's class. At any time, you may email Kassia to be placed on the waiting list for the next class.

Please note the prerequisite of WSM I, II & III in the Spirit's Edge Mystery School. When you successfully complete the Witchcraft, Shamanism & Magick III apprenticeship in the Spirit's Edge Mystery School, you may apply for this class. Approval will be pending discretion of the instructor and your full completion of the WSM III course requirements. This is a one year class, and classes cannot be individually taken

Thank you and Blessed Be!


WSM IV is the fourth year in a five-degree system of Witchcraft, Shamanism & Magick (WSM) training in the Spirit’s Edge Mystery School, corresponding to the five degrees in the Spirit’s Edge Shamonial Temple & Tradition. Our teacher is High Preistess and Founder Kassia S. Morgan, who personally serves as the apprenticeship mentor for each student in the Mystery School. Kassia's goal, depending on the level of interest each year, is to offer subsequent classes for each of the four to five levels for those starting this year in WSM I or continuing this year in other levels.

The Spirit's Edge Mystery School is an inner development and soul growth school, guiding the individual through intensive independent self-study and direct mentoring by the teacher, fitting the boutique nature of our school, through the secret class page and monthly homework submissions. Throughout the Mystery School journey, the student will seek partnership with their Shadow Self and seek to merge with their Higher Self. The Great Work of this program is geared to guide the individual as they seek to integrate their own soul lessons, develop awareness and a higher state of consciousness/higher vibration, centered in the Heart, anchored in Divine Love and Light. This school provides the vehicle for the student to integrate their spiritual development into their own practice and life – merging the three aspects of the soul as one and embodying the Great Work of the soul.

Join us for Witchcraft, Shamanism & Magick IV, a one year, online training in Ceremonial Witchcraft and Magick and the path to merging and union with your Higher Self, your Holy Guardian Angel.  

In this fourth year, the fourth degree of our Temple, we will undergo an intensive study of Ceremonial Magick through the lens of Witchcraft – Ceremonial Witchcraft. We will study and learn from the texts and tomes of the Mages and philosophers of magick. We will walk the path of the occultist through wisdom passed down in magickal grimoires and the studies of the Qabalah and Hermeticism.  

Now that we have partnered with our Shadow Self in the culmination of WSM III, our journey this year will be that of High Magick, the Magick of the Soul. We seek our own gnosis as we court our Higher Self, seeking Union and Divine Marriage with our Holy Guardian Angel. We will seek to integrate this union with our Higher Self into our daily lives, into the fabric and core of our being and existence, living the life of the Adept. The year will end with an individual ritual and commitment to the Bornless One, our Bornless Self, seeking that union with the Divine within and without.

This is the path of theurgy, the development of the soul through magick, or High Magick. As part of this journey, we will pursue our own understanding of the Machinery of the Universe as we study the magickal Reality Maps of various magickal traditions, both modern and ancient. We will develop our own personal reality map, model and cosmology for the Universe.

We will study formal ceremonial rituals and rites, adapting them for our personal, modern magickal use as a Ceremonial Witch and Mage. We will learn, study and deconstruct rites such as the Lesser Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram and will write our own rites, just as we wrote our personal ritual liturgy in WSM II. We will develop new ways of moving and building energy through the energetic and power building practices of the Mage, working with Ceremonial Magick exercises, pathworkings and meditations.

We will undertake a journey through the Qabalah, with pathworkings along the pathways of the Tree of Life, bringing us to, and into, a journey with each of the 10 Sephira on the Tree of Life. Each path and sephira represents a test or trial, and each sephira represents a journey through the elements and a journey through progressively higher levels of consciousness. Through this journey, we will seek to expand and move our consciousness up the Tree of Life, embracing and learning our soul’s lessons, striving for the alchemy of the soul in union with our Higher Self at Tiphareth, the Sun, the Divine Child, Center of the Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life is also a journey through the Major Arcana of the tarot and numerology of the tarot. We will explore magickal correspondences such as the tarot, planetary forces, Archangelic and Angelic allies, deities, spirits, colors, incense, oils, herbs, stones, metals, scents, symbols, sigils and other magickal lore associated with each path and sephira.  

We will partner with the Mages of our Temple, the Spirit’s Edge Shamonial Tradition and other magickal traditions throughout time - Mages such as Cornelius Agrippa, Aleister Crowley, Dion Fortune, traditions such as the Golden Dawn, Masonic lore, and much more. We will also work with the writings and teachings of many modern day authors in our effort to challenge our own thinking and study different schools of thought. 

Through this process, you will identify and develop your own reasons, your own beliefs and your own personal cosmology in a way that you may relate it to others of similar or differing beliefs. You will develop a robust, personal perspective on your own path, making it your own, as this is your journey, and your journey to walk alone.

No one can tell you that you have successfully merged with your Holy Guardian Angel. It is a Mystery that no one can describe in words, though others can see it in you if they truly have the eyes to see, the eyes of Truth, clear mirrors to and of the Divine. This year you will seek the Sword of Truth, the Spear of Destiny, the Cup of Compassion, the Stone of Sovereignty, and finally, the Crown of Humility. Ultimately, no one, no being or deity or ally, can award you with the Crown of Humility. It comes from your own Higher Self. It must be earned and the Mystery must be uncovered, discovered and integrated. I can only tell you that there will be no mistake and no doubt when - and if - the marriage with your Holy Guardian Angel happens. 

Join us on a journey of High Magick, the magick of the soul. Walk with us on the path of the Mage, the Ceremonial Witch.

Intensive homework will be required in an independent study format. There will be an online group component. Class instruction will be provided via online video format, written lessons and photos in directed self-study with mentoring. This is a one year apprenticeship, and classes cannot be individually taken. Class will culminate in a Year & A Day Initiation Ritual to mark your completion of Witchcraft, Shamanism & Magick IV, and for online students, it will culminate in your personal Year & A Day Initiation Ritual. Please note that ultimately no one can merge with your Higher Self / HGA or enter into a state of awareness for you or declare you as having done so - it is between you and your soul, your selves.

Level WSM I- IV graduates who satisfactorily complete their levels may apply to the next level in the Mystery School, barring any change in circumstances. The decision to accept a student is at the sole discretion of the instructor. The requirements for acceptance into WSM IV become more stringent and acceptance is not guaranteed. 


First class is October 1 of the current year, with a new lesson the first of each month. The last lesson begins on September 1 of the following year, culminating in Lesson 13 and your Personal Year and a Day Initiation Ritual, which is due by September 30 of that following year.


Course investment is $360 paid in advance for the full year of 12 classes.

Payment schedules may be arranged on a case by case basis, are based on financial need and are not automatically approved. The payment schedule fee, if approved for the payment plan, will be a $75 deposit with your application, followed by $30 due by the first of each month starting Nov. 1, with last payment due Sept. 1 of the following year. See details in the application; the total paid over the year in the payment plan will be higher than upfront payment in full.

Certificates of completion will be emailed after final homework and ritual experience is submitted and upon receipt of final payment. Each class builds on the other, so this is a year-long series/ apprenticeship.

Payments are due via Square - just click here or the Square button below and enter the amount of the $75 deposit or $360 payment in full. It takes credit cards, debit cards, Cash App and G Pay. When filling out the amount in Square, please fill in the amount required. (Receipt will show SBCC, LLC, which is HPS Kassia's biz.) Deposit is required with the submission of the application in order for your application to be considered. If an applicant is not accepted, the deposit will be refunded. Each class builds on the other, so this is a year-long series/class. 


Required Books: Though many books will be referenced during the class, the required books include the following: (may be tweaked for 2021)

  • Dion Fortune’s fictional series, including:
    • Sea Priestess,
    • Moon Magic,
    • The Goat Footed God,
    • The Secrets of Dr. Tavener,
    • The Demon Lover and 
    • The Winged Bull
  • The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune
  • Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa (edited by Donald Tysson, Llewlyn's Sourcebook 1992)
  • More Simplified Magic: Pathworking with the Tree of Life by Ted Andrews
  • Practical Qabalah Magick: Working the Magick of the Practical Qabalah and the Tree of Life in the Western Mystery Tradition by David Rankine and Sorita d’Este
  • Practical Planetary Magick: Working the Magick of the Classical Planets in the Western Mystery Tradition by David Rankine and Sorita d’Este
  • Climbing the Tree of Life: A Manual of Practical Magickal Qabalah by David Rankine
  • The Temple of High Witchcraft by C. Penczak
  • The Temple of High Witchcraft CD by C. Penczak​ 
  • The Chicken Qabalah: Of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford: Dilettante’s Guide to What You Do and Do Not Need to Know to Become a Qabalist by Lon Milo DuQuette
  • The Voice of Knowledge: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace by don Miguel Ruiz
  • The Circle of Fire: Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness by don Miguel Ruiz
  • Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires: The Classical Texts of Magick Deciphered by Aaron Leitch
  • The Occult Christ: Angelic Mysteries, Seasonal Rituals, the Divine Feminine and More (HPS has the 2006 edition) by Ted Andrews
  • A tarot deck of your choosing (recommend considering The Thoth Tarot Deck by Aleister Crowley; see recommended reading below)

Recommended Reading (Optional):

  • The Book of Tokens Tarot Meditations by Paul Foster Case (Highly recommend; This would be required, but the used books are pricey ~$35.)
  • The Key to the Temple, Unlocking Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah Through Her Occult Novels by Penny Billington and Ian Rees (Highly recommend; gives themes, teachings and comparisons/connections between Dion Fortune's fictional novels)
  • Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune: The Logos of the Aeon and the Shakti of the Age by Alan Richardson (Highly recommend)
  • The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie (Also highly recommend; great, original source material. Lengthy tome like Agrippa's work, perhaps a little more academincally accessible in tone than Agrippa's prose.)
  • ​Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig (Another great book; accessible/readable in tone)
  • Thoth Tarot Deckby Aleister Crowley (and below are other books that discuss his tarot deck)...
    • Keywords for the Crowley Tarot by Hajo Banzhaf & Brigitte Theler
    • The Book of Thoth: The Tarot of the Egyptians by Aleister Crowley
    • The Thoth Tarot: Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot by Lon Milo DuQuette
  • Women of the Golden Dawn, Rebels and Priestesses by Mary K. Greer
  • Dion Fortune's the Rites of Isis and of Pan edited by Gareth Knight (Discusses the rites that are part of Dion Fortune's fictional series)
  • The Miracle Tree, Dymystifying the Qabalah by R.J. Stewart (You may recall some of his books were required reading in WSM III.)

There will be additional recommendations made during the class year, but not required, for further self-study. This breadth of teachings, both in the writings by Kassia S. Morgan and the books for the course will provide a solid foundation and different perspectives on the subject matter. Many of the books you will read sections of realted to the Sephira or Paths you are partnering with during a given month. Of course there will be additional resources and teachings referenced during each class. As the Witchcraft, Shamanism & Magick I, II and III apprenticeships area prerequisite, all books listed under those apprenticeships are also required for Witchcraft, Shamanism & Magick IV.

We have much to celebrate as Spirit’s Edge and as a Mystery School!! Spirit’s Edge is a spiritual organization, born on Jan. 1, 2010 in a working by my coven. Our first quasi-public ritual was held May 2012. Our community called Spirit’s Edge: A Seeker’s Salon was founded on Hekate’s Feast Day Aug. 13, 2012. Soon after, at Mabon 2012, Spirit’s Edge started its ongoing, continuous run of public sabbat rituals. Our Mystery School was announced June 2013, and our first WSM I & II classes began November 2013. For several years, we had two sections of WSM I as well. Spirit’s Edge took its full name of Spirit’s Edge Shamonial Temple in February 2014.

In Love & Light,
Kassia S. Morgan
Founder, Minister & High Priestess,
Spirit’s Edge Shamonial Temple, Tradition & Mystery School

Other: Please note that this training is not a substitute for medical care - physical, mental and emotional. Students are wholly responsible for their own well-being. This includes maintaining stability throughout the year and having a support system in place prior to beginning the apprenticeship. Please note that this course is an independent course of study and is not associated or affiliated with any other organizations or programs outside of Spirit's Edge.